Week in Review 9 October 2015

Week in Review 9 October 2015

As always, with the week in review comes a selection of malicious email scams reaching inboxes worldwide. This week MailShark spam filters caught another gift card scam, another bank related scam and even an insurance comparison scam. Keep reading to find out more and click the link to read the full article!

Get Your Kmart Gift Card Email Scam

MailShark Get Your Kmart Gift Card Email ScamYet another Kmart gift card scam email was caught by spam filters, offering a free gift voucher for ‘simply’ visiting the malicious website. This tactic is becoming outdated and we are hoping the more people we warn the less will fall for it – delete the email if received.




Compare Dental Insurance Malware Email Scam

MailShark Compare Dental Insurance Providers in Minutes Visit WebsiteThis dental insurance comparison email scam was definitely something new. The new tactic still leads you to a malicious website and will infect your computer with malware, so stay safe and delete it from your inbox.





New Statement ANZ Credit Card Scam

MailShark A new statement for your Credit Card Visit WebsiteBank related email scams, like this new statement ANZ credit card one, are being picked up by filters on a very regular basis. They try and trick you of their legitimacy to either get your personal banking data or infect your computer with malware. This one is phishing for your credit card information, so delete it immediately!



Global Spam News Week in Review

Cybercrime Week in Review 3 October 2015

MailShark Cybercrime Week in ReviewCybercrime Week in Review 3 October 2015. Indian Hackers Deface Over 40 Pakistani Websites Hours After Two Indian Government Portals Were Hacked (Inquisitr) Hours after an Indian website was hacked by a Pakistani hacker, a wave of cyber attacks targeted at Pakistan have left dozens of Pakistani websites defaced or hacked. According to a report […]



Scottrade Breach Affects 4.6 Million Customers

MailShark Scottrade Breach Affects 4.6 Million CustomersScottrade Breach Affects 4.6 Million Customers. Discount brokerage firm Scottrade began firing off emails late last week, warning customers that as a result of a breach, their names and street addresses may have been stolen from its system. Scottrade’s statement on the incident, published on its site last Thursday doesn’t exactly rule out that more […]



Nuclear facilities are wide open to cyber attacks

MailShark Nuclear facilities are wide open to cyber attacksNuclear facilities are wide open to cyber attacks. You would think that, given the potential disastrous consequences of a successful hack, the computer systems and networks of nuclear facilities would be better secured against cyber intrusions. Unfortunately, you would be wrong. According to a Chatham House report published today, “the trend to digitization, when combined […]



Steph Kent
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