Week in review 27 February 2015

Week in review 27 February 2015

Apple phishing emails again took first place this week, followed by National Australia Bank phishing emails. The second half of the week was devoted to a Bunnings survey phish and a Coles Supermarkets phish. Read on to see our week in review. As always, you can click on a link to see the story in full, together with screenshots of the phishing emails in question.

Another Apple update account phishing email

Yet another Apple phishing email came out this week. This one claimed that the user had a deficiency in their Apple account information. and to login to correct and/or update their personal information. As usual, the consequences for non-compliance were dire. If the user does not update their account information within two days, their account could be limited. The email is one of those insidious ones where an attachment needs to be downloaded and filled out. Be very wary of these types of emails; often they also install malware on your PC. In fact, don’t ever open an attachment in an email unless you are 100% confident of the source.

Account hacked phishing email warns

National Australia Bank users may have seen this particular phishing email that started circulating this week. This email informs the recipient that their internet banking access has been suspended, due to the possibility of it being hacked or compromised. The recipient is provided with a link in the email that will allow the user to “restore” access to their account. Yet again, the link is fake, and leads to a phishing site. The phishing site looks like a National Australia Bank site, but it is designed purely to steal your personal information. Don’t be fooled, and don’t click on the link.

Bunnings gift voucher phishing scam

Bunnings are a favourite brand for scammers in Australia. The ruse is usually to offer the chance to win a gift card, so long as you either fill out a survey, or register your details. This email offered the chance to win a $2000 Bunnings gift card, as long as you register on a site and answer a couple of questions. However, the site is a fake site. Once again, it seeks to steal credit card details. Delete this email if you receive it.

Coles Voucher phishing email

Lastly, we pulled out a few emails promising a Coles gift voucher worth $50 if the recipient simply clicked on a link and filled out a few details. Details mean name, address, credit card details, etc. Once that is done, the recipient can then print out a Coles voucher. But the voucher is worthless. This email is another phish. Delete this email if you receive it.

Scott Reeves
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