Cybercrime Week in Review 4 July 2015

Cybercrime Week in Review 4 July 2015

Crooks Use Hacked Routers to Aid Cyberheists (KrebsonSecurity)
Cybercriminals have long relied on compromised Web sites to host malicious software for use in drive-by download attacks, but at least one crime gang is taking it a step further: New research shows that crooks spreading the Dyre malware for use in cyberheists are leveraging hacked wireless routers to deliver their password-stealing crimeware.

Agencies need to pay more attention to supply chain security (CSO)
Government agencies seeking the lowest bidders typically overlook cybersecurity when awarding contracts, and data breaches are the result, says a security rating expert.

Hackers Exploit Zero-Day Magento Vulnerability to Steal You Credit Cards (The Hacker News)
Hackers are increasingly exploiting an unknown flaw to siphon payment card information from e-commerce websites that use Magento, the most popular e-commerce platform owned by eBay.

Magnitude Kit Exploiting Flash Zero Day, Dropping Cryptowall (Threatpost)
The urgency to patch Adobe Flash Player installations ramped up over the weekend when exploits for a recently patched zero-day vulnerability were found in the Magnitude Exploit Kit

Spear phishing gets personal as woman scammed out of £50k house deposit (Naked Security)
A London woman has been scammed out of almost £50,000, thinking she was sending it to her solicitor as a down-payment on a house purchase, after crooks apparently gained accessed to her email account and monitored her online conversations.

Fed Reserve: Chip and Signature Not Enough (Info Security)
In a speech delivered by Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell last week in Missouri, the former Assistant Treasury Secretary voiced concern over the ongoing overhaul of credit and debit card technology in the United States.

Hundreds of Dark Web sites cloned and “booby trapped” (Naked Security)
The founder of one of the Dark Web’s fledgling search engines is warning Tor users about the presence of hundreds of fake and booby trapped onion websites.

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