ANZ Bank New Email Phishing Scam

ANZ Bank New Email Phishing Scam

The latest banking scam phishing attempt targets ANZ bank users with this plain text email. It is a very dangerous attempt to get your banking information. This email leads you to a fake ANZ online banking portal. MailShark has notified ANZ Bank. Be very careful with this one and delete it immediately.

Figure A shows the email in question. As you can see it is very minimal and plain text with one single link. The subject line reads “New Email” and the sender is shown as “A N Z”. The sender’s email looks to be genuine, but it is not – they have taken the extra step to use a convincing domain email address to authenticate the email.

You can tell it is a fake by the minimal nature of the email, the lack of bank information, no official header or footer, no personal greeting, incorrect grammar on the “A N Z” sender and the malicious link (you can see a link’s destination before clicking on it by hovering over it with your mouse).

MailShark ANZ Bank New Email Phishing Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a screenshot of the website this email leads you too. With our software we were able to safety access the website to get the image – do not try this yourself. The website is a convincing but fake internet banking portal log in for ANZ. Do not enter your information here – they are phishing for your internet banking log in details. If you are ever in doubt, check the URL or contact the banking institution.

MailShark New Email Visit Scam Site
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

This email can be extremely dangerous to users who fall for their scam attempt and click the link. Delete this email if you receive it – contact the ANZ bank if you are ever unsure of an emails authenticity.

Steph Kent
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