Compete For $750 Caltex Voucher Scam

Compete For $750 Caltex Voucher Scam

This email asks you to compete for a $740 Caltex voucher and looks to also scam your money. Be very careful with this one as it also risks a malware infection if clicked. Caltex is a petrol brand name used worldwide – we believe this particular email scam attempt is targeting the Australian market.

Figure A shows the “compete for $750 Caltex voucher scam” email. It is poor quality and overall unappealing. There are several grammatical errors and pushy language used to almost force you to click through to the malicious website. If you look under the green call-to-action button you can see in small text it is also asking for payment. The subject line reads “Compete for $750 CALTEX gift voucher” which is poorly worded, but enticing enough for a receiver to open it out of interest.

The sender is shown as “CALTEX Offer”, but the email address used is clearly spam and in no way associated with the official Caltex website. All links within this email are malicious and will lead you to a dangerous website – avoid clicking anywhere and delete the email from your inbox.

MailShark Compete For $750 Caltex Voucher Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a copy of the scams, website visit. It is identical to the email’s contents except reproduced on a web page. This could be a tactic to confuse you and get you to click again as you will think it hasn’t loaded properly. DO NOT BE FOOLED. This website is extremely dangerous, if you think you have fallen for this scam run your anti-virus and / or anti-malware software immediately and delete the email.

MailShark Compete for $750 CALTEX gift voucher Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the tactics and spam indications identified within this email to increase your email spam awareness. Delete this email and any similar gift voucher emails that reach your inbox from unknown or unexpected sources.

Steph Kent
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