Free Nivea Products Email Scam

Free Nivea Products Email Scam

This email claims to offer Nivea products to test for free. Nivea is a global skin care brand that originated in Germany. It is commonly seen on the shelves of supermarkets worldwide. Keep reading to find out more about this email scam attempt.

Figure A is a screenshot of the email caught by our spam filters. It is very plain and uses different coloured text to attract the reader (which we don’t believe to be very effective). The subject line reads “Test Nivea products for free” and the sender is shown as “Product Testers wanted” – however, when looking closer at the sender’s email address it is in no way associated with the official Nivea website. The purpose of this email is to get you to click through to the website in any way possible. This will lead to a malware infection, so whatever you do, avoid clicking any links in this email – even the unsubscribe links!

MailShark Free Nivea Products Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B shows the website you will land on if a link in this email is clicked. It is well designed to suit the Nivea brand and entices you to answer a simple question to click through again. Notice the time limit and the statement that they only need 4 more volunteers – this is a scare tactic to get you to click through before thinking too much into it. Even the terms and conditions, site visitors and test packs left at the bottom are all part of this ploy. Delete this email if received and do not find yourself on this dangerous website.

MailShark Test Nivea products for free Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Emails like this use free items and time limits to encourage you to click through as quickly as possible. Don’t find yourself with a malware infection. Stay safe online and delete this email from your inbox if received.

Steph Kent
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