Incorrect Apple Account Information

Incorrect Apple Account Information

It’s the low quality part of the week for phishing emails. Today we’ve looked at several types, but they were all in plain text, with no logos or branding. And then we came upon an Apple phishing email. This one is convincing. It does not use plain text. It uses the Apple logo. We suspect this is the vanguard of another Apple phishing campaign. We say this because we have noticed more AFP phishing emails appear today and yesterday, after we published a post. The email we first published turned out to be the advance guard of a major phishing campaign. We present the latest phishing email. This one claims that you have incorrect information on your Apple account.

Figure A shows the email in question. There is an Apple logo in the right hand corner. It does look squashed on the horizontal axis. The email opens with “Dear Client”. The body of the email is one sentence. The creators could cite “Dancing lessons for the Advanced in Age”[1] as inspiration, though they have a way to go. There is one link in the email, with the anchor text “Click here to Verify your ID”. A copyright notice is at the foot of the email, as is an email identifier. This makes the email appear official.

Figure A – Click to Enlarge

The email sender is “Apple Inc.X”. The subject of the email is “Attention! Votre Compte A XtX limitX! You Must Confirm Your Information”. (“Votre Compte” is French for “Your Account”). The email domain resembles an Apple domain. The domain uses “App-le” in the string. As stated in the email, user information is missing (or incorrect). The email urges the recipient to click on the link. Doing so will mean the user can continue to use their Apple ID.

This email is a fake. The grammar is poor, and the link is to a malicious site. The site is a phishing site that steals user details. Delete this email.

[1] “Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age” is a novel by Czech author Bohumil Hrabat. It is notable for being one sentence in length.

Scott Reeves
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