JB Hi-Fi Competition Gift Card Scam

JB Hi-Fi Competition Gift Card Scam

A JB Hi-Fi competition gift card scam email has been caught by MailShark spam filters claiming to be giving away the chance to spend $2500 at the store. JB Hi-Fi is an Australian electronics chain store retailer stocking products like CD’s, DVD’s, Blu-ray discs, video games and other consumer electronics. Keep reading to find out more about this malicious scam attempt to infect your computer with malware.

Figure A shows the JB Hi-Fi competition gift card scam email in question. It appears outdated in terms of design and pushes the receiver to ‘click to enter’ – your email address is even pre-filled (in black for privacy reasons). The subject line reads “Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes”, while the sender is shown as “JBhifi”, however the email addressed used is clearly spam and in no way associated with the official JB Hi-Fi website.

Take note of the grammar and spelling issues just in the subject and spelling of the business name, which are clear signs of the emails spam nature. There are several malicious links within this email which will lead you to a fake website, this fake website will attempt to infect your computer with malware, so avoid clicking anywhere or opening it all together.

MailShark JB Hi-Fi Competition Gift Card Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is the website you will land on if you click anywhere within the malicious email above. It is branded to suit JB-Hi-Fi and is mostly yellow. Notice the block of text at the bottom of the page which if read, states you will be charged for participating, which indicated this may also be a money scam. At the top of the page there are two red boxes with a simple question which is an attempt to get you to click – clicking anywhere on this page will lead to a malware infection and possibly put you at risk of a money scam. Delete the email immediately to ensure the safety of your personal data.

MailShark Lets see if youve got what it takes Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Gift card scams framed as a competition are all too popular and we don’t expect to see less of them anytime soon. We strongly advise deleting these types of emails from your inbox and avoid opening them all together. Most risk a malware infection, but you may also be at risk of a phishing or money scam.

Steph Kent
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