JB Hi-Fi Competition Winner Email Scam

JB Hi-Fi Competition Winner Email Scam

A suspicious JB Hi-Fi Competition Winner Email Scam has been caught by MailShark spam filters. This particular email risks a malware infection and should be deleted immediately if received. JB Hi-Fi is an Australian electronics retailer established in 1975 in the city of Melbourne. It is an extremely popular chain store, making it the ideal target for this scam attempt.

Figure A shows the JB Hi-Fi competition winner email scam in question. It is well branded to suit the company style and features a relevant electronic image.

MailShark JB Hi-Fi Competition Winner Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

The subject line reads “[receivers email address], are you our winner? Check it now”. This attracts attention and interest due to the assumption you could be rewarded.

In the from description you will see “JB HI-FI”, however the email address used is in no way associated with the official JB Hi-Fi website and reassures us of its true malicious nature. The content further explains they are (supposedly) giving away a $2500 gift voucher to spend in store. Again, it features the receivers email address (in black for privacy reasons) just above a big call-to-action button.

All links within this email are malicious. Be extra careful with this one as most of the email content has hidden links (in images and general text) which could be accidentally clicked.

Figure B shows the website you will land on if any links within the email are clicked. Yet again, it features the right look to suit the brand, but seems a little more outdated than the email itself.

MailShark Are you our winner Check it now Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

At the bottom of the webpage, as shown in Figure B, you will notice fake competition details including terms & conditions and a privacy policy. These are placed on the page to increase your confidence in the offer.

The main objective of this web page is to get your click through – this is done by asking a simple question which you would need to click to answer. Answering this question will lead to a malware infection. If you reach this page you may already be at risk!

We strongly suggest deleting this email and any similar emails from your inbox straight away and running your anti-virus software to catch any undetected infections.

Where in the world did the bulk of this Email come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Steph Kent
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2 thoughts on “JB Hi-Fi Competition Winner Email Scam”

  1. I opened this email but didn’t click on any links. But now my new phone that I bought from jb hi fi won’t turn on. Could this email be the reason? What should I do?

    1. Michael Mansour

      Hi Daisy. This email does contain dangerous links. If you suspect your phone has been compromised after receiving the email, we would suggest taking the phone back to JB Hi-Fi for assistance.

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