Personal Psychic Reading Email Scam

Personal Psychic Reading Email Scam

This personal psychic reading email scam attempt uses a receiver’s interest in the subject to get you to visit a malicious website. It is said to be from a website called “Just For Her” however, we have not been able to find a reputable source with that name. Clicking anywhere in this email will lead to a malware infection, so it’s best you delete it from your inbox.

Scamwatch have posted an article of how these types of scams generally work to pilfer money from victims. A comprehensive list of common “Psychics, clairvoyants and other lucky charms” can be found on WA’s Scamnet.

Figures A and B show the emails in question. They are very busy and contain many malicious links. The purpose of the emails are to get you to click through for your free psychic reading. The subject lines read “Susan your personal psychic reading” and “Campbell, a special FREE Psychic Reading for 2015” – the personal approach and use of the first names are a tactic to give the emails authority.

The senders are shown as “Just For Her” and “Chris Voyage”, however the email addresses are clearly spam. Be careful with the links in this one, even the unsubscribe links are malicious in nature – refer to Figure A below for more information.

MailShark Personal Psychic Reading Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge
MailShark Personal Psychic Reading Email Scam 2
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Figures C and D are screenshots we were safely able to capture with MailShark software of the dangerous websites. Both representations show a count-down timer supposedly to provide some time limit to your FREE reading, and then begin to ask you simple questions (First name, Last name, email address) to then further their information gathering exercise.

Do not click anywhere on the webpage and delete the email immediately – you may already be at risk of a malware infection.

MailShark Personal Psychic Reading Email Scam Visit Website
Figure C – Click to Enlarge
MailShark Personal Psychic Reading Email Scam Visit Website 2
Figure D – Click to Enlarge

Be cautious when receiving emails from a source you do not trust or know. You should know where every email in your inbox has come from, whether it is something you have signed up for, work related or personal emails.

Steph Kent
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