Win a $450 IGA Gift Card Scam

Win a $450 IGA Gift Card Scam

A win a $450 IGA gift card scam email has been caught by MailShark spam filters and if clicked, the website will infect your computer with malware. IGA is an Australian supermarket group with over 5,000 stores in over 30 countries. Be very cautious with this gift card scam and any similar emails that reach your inbox.

Figure A shows the email in question. It is branded to suit IGA and pushes you to clikc through as the period to participate is almost up. There is two clear call to actions in green and red as well as several other malicious hyperlinks within the email. The subject line reads “Win a $450 gift card! For all your groceries.” which is an attempt to intrigue your interest. The sender is shown as IGA, however the email address used is clearly spam and in no way associated to the official IGA website.

It is important to remember that any big brand (if sending you email marketing) would use an email associated to their official domain name. Avoid clicking anywhere within this email or risk landing on a malicious website.

MailShark Win a $450 IGA Gift Card Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a copy of the malicious website you will land on if any links within this email are clicked. It is well branded and features a photo of a supermarket in the back ground. There is a date that the offer is valid until, to push you to click through faster. The simple question “Do you know IGA?” is a trick and if answered will lead to a malware infection. We strongly suggest closing this page immediately if it is reached and running your anti-virus software straight away.

MailShark Win a 450 IGA gift card for all your groceries Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Gift card / voucher scams are becoming all too common in the world of email scamming, but we are hoping this means more awareness and safety measures will be taken before opening them. If you are ever in doubt, avoid opening the email all together – it is better to be safe than sorry.

Steph Kent
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