Win a Nespresso Coffee Machine Scam

Win a Nespresso Coffee Machine Scam

This win a Nespresso coffee machine scam has been caught by MailShark spam filters claiming to offer receivers the chance to win the machine and a year’s worth of coffee capsules. Nespresso is a brand owned by Nestle Group who have a range of popular coffee brewing machines. Competition email scams are extremely common, tempting and dangerous, so we suggest deleting it from your inbox if received.

Figure A shows the win a Nespresso coffee machine scam email in question. It is well branded, it suits the Nespresso style and is easy to read. Scam tactics used within the email include pushy wording, big call-to-actions, official Nespresso imagery use, use of your email address (in black for privacy) and hyperlinks that will lead you to a malicious website.

The subject line reads “Win your own Nespresso coffee machine” which is tempting for the receiver to open and learn more. The sender is then shown as “Nespresso”, but when looking closer at the email address used it is in no way associated with the official Nespresso website and is clearly spam. All of the buttons, imagery and hyperlinks will lead you to a malicious website – you can check a links destination without clicking it by hovering over the link with your mouse.

MailShark Win a Nespresso Coffee Machine Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safety captured copy of the website you will land on if any malicious links within the email are clicked. It appears exactly the same as the email shown in Figure A – this is a scam tactic to confuse you into clicking again. If you click anywhere on this website, your computer will be infected with dangerous malware. If you think you are at risk, run your anti-virus and / or anti-malware software immediately!

MailShark Win your own Nespresso coffee machine Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

MailShark strongly believe, if the email seems too good to be true (e.g. giving away a free coffee machine), it probably is. If this email or a similar style email reaches your inbox, delete it straight away to avoid the risk of a malware infection. To avoid receiving dangerous emails at all, ensure you always have a spam filter in place.

Where in the world did the bulk of this Email come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Steph Kent
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