Win Only Today Kmart Gift Voucher Email Scam

Win Only Today Kmart Gift Voucher Email Scam

The gift voucher email scams keep rolling out as this new one was caught by MailShark spam filters offering a $100 Kmart gift voucher. Kmart is an American chain of discount department stores. There is also an Australian Kmart but, judging by the branding used in this email, they are targeting American shoppers. This email is attempting to infect your computer with malware so delete it if received.

Figure A shows the email’s malicious content. It includes the receiver’s email address (in black for security reasons) as an attempt to give the email authority. The subject line reads “Win only today $100 free shopping at Kmart!” which creates a sense of urgency and encourages you to open it to learn more. The sender is shown as “Kmart”, but when looking at the email address, it is in no way associated with the official Kmart website and is clearly spam. Overall, it is quite well branded for a Kmart style email, but beware of the three malicious links which will lead you to a dangerous website.

MailShark Win Only Today Kmart Gift Voucher Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the malicious website you will land on if any links are clicked in this email. It is, again, quite well branded within the Kmart style, however it now seems to more match Kmart Australia. The page has no clear call to action and isn’t prompting the user to do anything. Don’t be fooled – clicking anywhere within this website will lead to a malware infection and an attack on your computer and personal information.

MailShark Win only today 100 free shopping at Kmart Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

We strongly suggest deleting this email straight away if received. It has been created to trick Kmart shoppers by offering the chance to win a gift voucher by conveniently making you click through to a malicious website.

Steph Kent
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