PayPal Security Advisory phishing email

PayPal Security Advisory phishing email From today’s scam emails we have pulled a detailed phishing email targeting PayPal users. This phishing email is uses the guise of a security advisory. Although detailed, the phishing email follows a standard line. Limitations are imposed on your PayPal account. Verify your account information and the limitations are removed.…

Woolworths satisfaction survey scam email

Woolworths satisfaction survey scam email Today’s phishing email purports to be from the Woolworths Online department. For our overseas readers, Woolworths are an Australian supermarket chain, specializing in groceries. The phishing campaign launched over the weekend. The volume of emails received outstripped other phishing campaigns over the weekend, and the email is a nasty one.…

Week in review 1 May 2015

Week in review 1 May 2015 This week was a varied mix of phishing emails. NAB, ANZ and American Express customers were all targeted. A fake traffic infringement notice began circulating in Australia. And no week is complete without a PayPal phishing email. Read on for our week in review. As always, you can click on…

Payment Received says AMEX phishing email

Payment Received says AMEX phishing email Phishing emails get recycled. We have observed this phenomenon three times this week. A recycled phishing email usually has “enhancements” making it more realistic. The enhancements can mean extra logos, branding or links. In the case of today’s American Express (AMEX) phishing email, it is all three. A phishing…

Fake Traffic Infringement Notice

Fake Traffic Infringement Notice Over the last two days we have observed phishing emails claiming to be from the Australian Federal Police (AFP). These emails tell the recipient they have a traffic infringement notice. The infringement in all cases is negligent driving. The emails are a fake. They have a nasty payload if you click…