Cybercrime Week in Review 25 April 2015

Cybercrime Week in Review 25 April 2015

User mistakes aid most cyber attacks, Verizon and Symantec studies show (Reuters)
When a cyber security breach hits the news, those most closely involved often have incentive to play up the sophistication of the attack.

Taking Down Fraud Sites is Whac-a-Mole (KrebsonSecurity)
“Why are these fraud Web sites allowed to operate, and not simply taken down?” This post is intended to serve as the go-to spot for answering that question.

Cybercrime risks continue to plague insurers (Property Casualty 360)
Cybercrime continues to raise risks for insurers and their customers, and the dangers are evolving and becoming more global in nature.

iOS Vulnerability Lets Hackers Crash Any iPhone and iPad Within WiFi Range (The Hacker News)
Security researchers have uncovered a zero-day vulnerability in iOS 8 that could repeatedly crash users’ Apple iPhones, iPads and iPods when the devices connect to a malicious wireless hotspot.

Reconnaissance malware wave strikes energy sector (ZDnet)
Symantec says a new Trojan-based campaign, focused on the Middle East, is targeting the energy industry and its trade secrets.

Without a Trace: Fileless Malware Spotted in the Wild (Trend Micro)
Improvements in security file scanners are causing malware authors to deviate from the traditional malware installation routine. It’s no longer enough for malware to rely on dropping copies of themselves to a location specified in the malware code and using persistence tactics like setting up an autostart feature to ensure that they continue to run.

My Freedom Smokes Website Burnt by Malware (Softpedia)
Malicious code planted on the website of My Freedom Smokes, retailer of electronic cigarettes and accessories, may have been used to access information required to customers when placing an online order.

Protect Your Business from Cybercrime Threats (Inc.)
Hardly a week goes by without a report of another alarming cybercrime. Successful attacks against giant corporations and government agencies may get all the headlines, but small and medium-sized businesses are not immune.

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