Aldi $350 Gift Voucher Scam

Aldi $350 Gift Voucher Scam

Yet another gift voucher style scam attempt has been caught by MailShark spam filters in the form of an Aldi $350 Gift Voucher Scam. It is very similar to most scams we catch in this genre. Aldi is a leading global discount supermarket in over 18 countries – we believe this email is targeted at their Australian market. Delete this email if received to avoid the chance of a malware infection.

Figure A is a copy of the Aldi $350 gift voucher scam email. The imagery is good quality and eye catching, however there seems to be a formatting issue as it sits more to the right. The subject line reads “[recipient email], a gift voucher worth $350 at Aldi!” which is used to attract attention. The sender is shown as “Aldi” but the email address used is clearly spam and in no way associated to the official Aldi website. It attempts to make the email personal by addressing the receiver by their email address, which is covered with a black box in Figure A for privacy reasons. There are several malicious links within this email which we strongly advise to not click – doing so will lead you to a malicious website that will attempt to infect your computer with malware.

MailShark Aldi $350 Gift Voucher Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a screenshot of the malicious website you will land on if any links within the email are clicked. It is not as well branded compared to the email, and they don’t exactly match. It features a “valid until date” in red, which is an attempt to hurry your next click. The simple question asked “Are you familiar with Aldi?” is a trick and a scam tactic which is basically asking you for permission to infect your computer. Do not click anywhere on this page and delete the email immediately.

MailShark A gift voucher worth 350 at Aldi Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

If you think you may be at risk run your anti-virus and / or anti-malware software. These emails are all too common and we don’t predict that they will slow down anytime soon, so delete any similar gift voucher style emails from your inbox also.

Steph Kent
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