Win a $500 Dan Murphy’s Gift Card Scam

Win a $500 Dan Murphy’s Gift Card Scam

For this first time seen by MailShark email spam filters Dan Murphy’s has been targeted with this win a $500 gift card scam attempt. Dan Murphy’s is an Australian liquor supermarket chain with more than 200 chains across the country. Keep reading to find out more about this malicious scam attempt and be sure to delete the email from your inbox if received.

Figure A is a copy of the win a $500 Dan Murphy’s gift card scam attempt. The email is well branded to the style of the company and entices the reader with the chance to win a $500 gift card for Christmas time. The subject line reads “Win a $500 Dan Murphy Gift Card this Christmas!” – notice the incorrect spelling of “Dan Murphy’s”. The sender of the email is also shown as just “Dan Murphy” (incorrect again), and the email address used is in no way associated with the official Dan Murphy’s website and is clearly spam. There are several malicious links within the email including the main banner, a red call-to-action button and even the unsubscribe link at the bottom. All of these links will lead you to a malicious website so avoid clicking all together.

MailShark Win a $500 Dan Murphy Gift Card Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the malicious website in question. It is not as well branded as the email itself and features pixelated graphics and pushy wording. The content states the offer is only valid until the 16th of December and you need to answer the simple question to get the gift card – do not answer this question – doing so will lead to a malware infection on your computer.

MailShark Win a $500 Dan Murphy Gift Card this Christmas Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

As tempting as a free $500 gift voucher for liquor over the Christmas period may sound, it is not worth the risk and the chances of it being legitimate are extremely slim. We advise deleting this email and any similar gift card giveaway emails from your inbox. If you think you may be at risk of falling for this email run your anti-virus software immediately.

Steph Kent
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