Australian Dating Spam Email

Australian Dating Spam Email

An Australian dating email has been identified and caught by MailShark spam filters attempting to overload inbox’s to promote and gain website traffic. It does not seem to be sent from a reputable online dating service and we suspect it is a start-up company. This email is not necessarily a threat, however all spam emails should be treated with caution.

Figure A shows the email in question. It is averagely branded and features photos of women in an attempt to get the reader’s attention, suspecting mostly a male audience. The main call to action offers free registration and prompts you to click through to their website. The subject line reads “Spoil yourself, go on a date with someone close by”, which is aimed to attract lonely singles. The sender is shown as “Jade”, which could be an attempt at a personalised approach. At the bottom of this email you will notice terms and conditions which state you are receiving this email because you gave authorisation too – this is false and an attempt to save the senders from Spam Acts in relevant jurisdictions.

MailShark Australian Dating Spam Email
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a copy of the website you will be lead to if you decide to click any links within the email. It is a simple sign up page which again uses pictures of women to entice a male audience. We suggest not signing up or associating with this company as once they have used a spam tactic to gain interest, they are already an untrustworthy business who do not deserve your personal information and time.

MailShark Spoil yourself go on a date with someone close by Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Having an anti-spam email service in place will stop you from receiving time wasting emails such as this one. Your inbox should contain only emails you have signed up for or from people you know and wish to correspond with, not from spammers or companies using spammers to promote their products or services.

Where in the world did the bulk of this Email come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Steph Kent
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