Westpac Account Info Phishing Scam

Westpac Account Info Phishing Scam

An email claiming your Westpac account information has changed has been caught by MailShark spam filters and is significantly malicious in nature. Westpac is a major Australian bank that also services New Zealand. Delete this email from your inbox to avoid falling for a dangerous phishing email scam.

Figure A is a copy of the malicious phishing email and its contents. As you can see it is quite well branded to Westpac and overall looks legitimate. You will notice the block in black which is the receiver’s email address (covered for privacy reasons) which is used as an attempt at a personal greeting. The email pushes you to click several dangerous links to ‘log in’. The email subject says “Westpac: Account info change.” The sender is shown as “Your Confirmation”, and even appears to be from an official Westpac email address however, do not fall for it, it is an advanced scam tactic. Clicking any links within this email will lead you to a phishing website.

MailShark Westpac Account Info Phishing Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the malicious phishing website. It is designed to look like the Westpac online banking portal. The screen prompts you to log in with your customer ID and password – doing so will lead to the scammers possessing your personal log in information. This website is extremely dangerous, do not enter your details on this screen and delete the email straight away!

MailShark Westpac Account info change Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge – Fake Phishing Westpac On-Line Banking Portal

Figure C represents the look and feel of the current Westpac On-line Banking login page. You can see how the phishing image duplicates well the legitimate page.

MailShark Westpac Account Info Phishing Scam Legitimate Website
Figure C – Click to Enlarge – Legitimate Westpac On-Line Banking Portal

If you think you may have fallen for this scam or entered your details please contact your local Westpac branch immediately to discuss the security and safety of your account details and data. It is extremely important to be extra cautious of bank related emails reaching your inbox.

Where in the world did the bulk of this Email come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Steph Kent
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