Compare Dental Insurance Malware Email Scam

Compare Dental Insurance Malware Email Scam

MailShark spam filters have caught a relatively new type of email scam attempt. It is a dental insurance promotion to compare Dental Insurance providers, said to be sent by “Dental Discounts” which we can’t connect to a well-known company from our research.

Figure A is a copy of the email in question. It is very well branded and entices the reader to click through. Half of the email is an image with a hyperlink meaning you need to be extremely careful when clicking anywhere within this email (for a full malicious link list refer to red text in Figure A).

The subject line reads “Compare Dental Insurance Providers in Minutes” which is an attempt to grab your attention. The sender is shown as “Dental Discounts” but when looking at the email address it is clearly spam and in no way associated with anything dental or discounted. Even the unsubscribe links within this email are malicious, so be sure to delete it from your inbox if received.

MailShark Compare Dental Insurance Malware Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B shows the web page you will land on if any links within the email are clicked. It is again, well branded and optimised to get you to click on the big orange call-to-action. Clicking anywhere on this website will lead to a malware infection and an attack on your computer and personal information. This scam attempt has gone to extreme lengths to convince you of its authenticity – the landing page is among the better ones we have seen.

MailShark Compare Dental Insurance Providers in Minutes Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

It is best to delete this email if you receive it to avoid confusion or accidentally opening it and clicking through. If you are interested in dental insurance it is best to go through trusted providers and insurance comparison websites to avoid any risk of being scammed or having any of your personal information obtained by criminals.

Steph Kent
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