Congratulations with Your New Car Email Scam

Congratulations with Your New Car Email Scam

Congratulations, you have apparently won a new car! Competition email scams have been circulating for years and this one is no different. Don’t click any links in this email, it is an attempt to infect your computer with malware. If you receive it delete it from your inbox immediately.

Figure A shows the email caught by our spam filters. It is well designed and even features the receivers email address to convince of its legitimacy. The sender is shown as “Hyundai” but when looking closer at the email address it has nothing to do with the car brand. Clicking any of the 5 links in this article will put your computer at risk of malware and yes, even the links of unsubscribe, view this newsletter online & report are dangerous. None of them lead to any official Hyundai Australia or Hyundai Worldwide websites.

In future, consider the chances of receiving a random prize via email from a competition you have never entered when seeing any email similar to this one in your inbox. Even the subject line doesn’t sound right: “Congratulations with your new car!”

MailShark Congratulations with Your New Car Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a screenshot of the website you are taken too if any link in the malicious email is clicked. It is again well designed and prompts you to click through again by asking a question. It may as well be asking ‘Can we infect your computer with malware?’ because that is what it will do.

MailShark Congratulations With Your New Car Visit Scam Site
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Clicking any links in this email will put your computer at risk. Delete it immediately if received. In future, consider everything stated above before opening or clicking links in an email claiming you have won something.

Steph Kent
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