Free Dyson Vacuum Email Scam

Free Dyson Vacuum Email Scam

A free Dyson vacuum email scam has been identified by MailShark spam filters attempting to reach inboxes as a competition style giveaway. This email is malicious in nature and will lead you to a website that will attempt to infect your computer with malware. It appears to be branded as if it were sent from Dyson; a British technology company most popular worldwide for its line of vacuum cleaners. Keep reading to find out more about this scam attempt.

Figure A shows you the free Dyson vacuum email scam. At first glance it already appears to be spam just due to the layout and design, which is commonly used in other scam attempts we report on. It states you can win a Dyson vacuum cleaner worth $600 and pushes you to click through to a dangerous website. The use of your email address (in black for privacy reasons) and a disclaimer within the email are both attempts to instil a confidence in you, which they hope will lead to you clicking through.

The subject line of this email reads “Enter to win a new Vacuum” which is both interesting and appealing to the receiver. The sender is shown as “Dyson” however, when looking closer at the email address used it is in no way associated with the official Dyson website and it is clearly spam. Please keep in mind that there are several malicious links within the email including unsubscribe links.

MailShark Free Dyson Vacuum Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the malicious email in question. You will land on this page if any links within the email are clicked. It is well branded and features a “valid until” time limit, which is an attempt to hurry your next click. Clicking anywhere on this page or answering the simple question is inviting software malware to infect your computer. Do not click within the email and delete it if received.

Mailshark Enter to win a new Vacuum Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

If you feel you may be at risk of a malware infection from this email or similar, run your anti-virus and anti-malware software immediately. There emails may seem harmless but can do a lot of damage to your personal data and computer. MailShark encourages you to delete this email without opening it and looking out for similar scam attempts in your inbox.

Steph Kent
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