Dangerous Money Earning Scam

Dangerous Money Earning Scam

A dangerous money earning scam email has been caught by MailShark spam filters claiming to offer stable income from $2,500 a month. This email is extremely malicious in nature and can lead to various scams on you and your data. We expect this scam to be offering earnings in the style of a work-at-home scheme, which tricks victims with the false promise of easy cash. The MailShark team hopes you keep reading to find out more ways to help protect yourself against such scam attempts which may reach your inbox.

Figure A is an exact copy of the dangerous money earning scam email’s contents. It is very plain, which could be a tactic to take a more personalised approach. The subject line reads “Additional earnings”, which is enough to intrigue the receiver’s interest, but also does not make a lot of sense for a subject line. The sender is shown as an extremely spammy and unreadable email address, which is a clear indication of the emails true intentions. The content states anyone can apply and that you are guaranteed stable earnings – this is 100% not true. There is one malicious link (in blue) which will lead you to a malicious website.

MailShark Dangerous Money Earning Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the webpage you will land on if the link within the email is clicked. It uses a holiday style background to give a luxury feeling, but is overall poorly designed. There is a figure on the screen to tempt you into clicking the big call-to-action button, which reads “Show Me How” – Do not click this button and leave the website immediately. Reaching this page puts you at risk of a malware infection and possibly even a money scam or phishing scam, depending on where you are taken to next (after clicking anywhere on this page).

MailShark Additional earnings Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

MailShark encourages you to delete this email and any similar money earning scam emails from your inbox. If you accidentally fall for this scam and find yourself on the malicious website, run your anti-virus or anti-malware software to be safe. Never give out your personal details of any kind to an unreliable source.

Steph Kent
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