Free SMEG Dishwasher Test and Keep Scam

Free SMEG Dishwasher Test and Keep Scam

This free SMEG dishwasher test and keep scam has been identified by MailShark spam filters. It claims you can try and keep the product for free in exchange for your opinion. SMEG is an Italian manufacturer of upmarket domestic appliances popular worldwide. Falling for this scam attempt will lead to a malware infection, so keep reading to find out more.

Figure A shows the free SMEG dishwasher test and keep scam email and its contents. It is well branded and right to the point. The email uses the receiver’s name in the greeting to personalise the overall feel. Don’t be fooled – this email is full of malicious links (not just on the call-to-action and hyperlink). The subject line reads “Get for FREE & Test the new dishwasher from SMEG.” Overall, it is an inviting headline but the grammar is a huge giveaway.

The sender is shown as “Smeg”, but the email address is in no way associated with the official SMEG website and is clearly spam. Do not click anywhere in this email or you will be lead to a malicious website and risk a malware infection.

MailShark Free SMEG Dishwasher Test and Keep Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is the malicious website in question. It is again, well designed and further encourages the free dishwasher for your opinion offer. The page offers supporting content with a fake customer review and terms & conditions at the bottom. You will notice there is a time limit and a sentence stating only 4 more volunteers are needed – this is a strategy to get you to click faster on this page.

The simple question asked is another tactic to get you to click on the page. Do not click anywhere on this page and delete the email immediately or you will be at major risk of a malware infection.

MailShark Get for FREE and Test the new dishwasher from SMEG Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Test and keep offer scams like this are commonly caught by MailShark spam filters. They are dangerous because they offer an incentive and most people would fall for such a scam, after thinking it was a personal offer reaching their inbox. Your inbox is not safe unless you put security measures in place! MailShark Email Spam Filtering is one of those measures.

Steph Kent
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