Get Your Vesper Scooter Email Scam

Get Your Vesper Scooter Email Scam

Email scam attempts with a prize incentive are the oldest trick in the book! Don’t fall for this one, you won’t win a Vesper scooter, but will get a malware infection. Always consider the chance of such an email reaching your inbox and how they got your email address in the first place, before opening or clicking anything. Delete this email if received.

Vespa is an Italian brand of scooter founded in 23 April 1946. It’s interesting to note that the email refers to the scooter as VESPER, not its real name of VESPA.

Figure A shows the Vesper Scooter email scam. It is well branded and encourages you to click the call-to-action button in blue, to claim your prize. Be careful if you receive this one, there are also several hidden malicious links – refer to Figure A for their locations. The subject line reads “Congratulations, a brand new Vespa Scooter” which entices the receiver to open it out of interest.

The sender is shown as “Vespa Australia” however the email address is in no way associated with the brand or the official Vespa Homepage website. This email even contains the receiver’s email address (in black for privacy reasons) in an attempt to give it authenticity. If you click any links within this email you will be lead to a dangerous website which will infect your computer with malware.

MailShark Get Your Vesper Scooter Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the page you will land on if any links within this email are clicked. Going any further on this page will lead to a malware infection while your computer may already be at risk. This landing page looks very similar to the email contents which could be an attempt to confuse you and therefore encourage you to click again.

MailShark Congratulations a brand new Vespa Scooter Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

We strongly suggested you remove this email from your inbox immediately. If you’re suspicious of such emails, always check the sender’s email address, its contents, and use common sense to make an informed decision. If ever in doubt, do not click through to the website.

Steph Kent
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