Participate to Win an iPhone 6S Malware Scam

Participate to Win an iPhone 6S Malware Scam

A participate to win an iPhone 6S Malware Scam has been caught by MailShark spam filters and risks a dangerous malware infection. The email does not seem to be branded to suit a certain company, it simply pushes the receiver into claiming a free iPhone 6S. The iPhone 6S is a popular smartphone designed and distributed by Apple Inc. We commonly refer to these types of emails as a too good to be true freebie scam – keep reading to find out more and delete it from your inbox if received.

Figure A is the participate to win an iPhone 6S malware scam email in question. The design is simple but sleek and to the point. It features the iPhone 6S and enforces words like ‘free’, congratulations’ and ‘act now’ to encourage you to click through. There is one main call-to-action button in blue – keep in mind there are also several other malicious links that include images and an unsubscribe hyperlink; email scams use this tactic to catch you off guard.

The subject line reads “Your iPhone 6s is ready for you!”. The sender is shown as “iphone6s”, which already looks like spam – the completely irrelevant email address used, further supports its spam nature. This email uses a tricky tactic to give you false confidence by using your email address (in black for privacy reasons) as a greeting. Do not click anywhere within this email or you will be led to a dangerous website and become at risk of a malware infection.

MailShark Participate to Win An iPhone 6S Malware Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B shows the website you will land on if any of the malicious email links are clicked. The design is again, simple and to the point. It re-enforces the prize for completing a short survey and adds extra freebies in the form of gift cards. This further incentive is another trick to hurry your next click. The main action the scammers want you to take on this page is to answer the simple question at the bottom.

Do not click anywhere on this page and especially do not answer this question. The whole page is booby-trapped with malware and a simple click will begin the infection.

MailShark Your iPhone 6s is ready for you Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

If you think your computer is at risk, run your anti-virus and anti-malware software immediately.

MailShark strongly advises deleting this email straight away to avoid the risk completely. If this email has reached your inbox, then you do not have good enough email safety protection in place to keep your data safe!

Speak to us at MailShark.

Where in the world did the bulk of this Email come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Steph Kent
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