Russian Bride Email Scam

Russian Bride Email Scam

MailShark spam filters have caught a malicious Russian bride email scam attempting to reach inboxes. This email has a dangerous link which can lead to a malware infection if clicked. Stay safe and delete this email from your inbox if received.

Figure A shows the email in question. It is a plain text email and is designed to look like it is personally coming from one of the so called ‘Russian brides’ on offer. This email is targeted at men – particularly lonely men who may fall for such a scam attempt. The email subject reads “It is a dramatic sight” and is an attempt to draw the receiver’s attention. It is shown to be sent by “Ovcharenko Natalija” – or the so called ‘Russian bride’ who is writing the email.

There is one dangerous link in this email which, if clicked, will lead to an attack on your computer and personal information.

MailShark Russian Bride Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the website the link within the email leads to. It uses pictures of pretty women to suit the nature of the scam, but is overall poorly designed. The purpose of this page is to get you to fill in your details and click the sign up button – doing so will lead to a dangerous infection on your computer. Do not find yourself on this website or falling for this scam. Delete this email from your inbox.

MailShark It is a dramatic sight Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

This Russian bride email scam attempt is just another way scammers try and get you to click through to a malicious website. Don’t fall for it and look for the signs. If this email or any other suspicious email reaches your inbox, delete it immediately.

Steph Kent
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