Walgreens Gift Card Email Scam

Walgreens Gift Card Email Scam

This Walgreens gift card email scam seems to have similarities to our previous article on the CVS Pharmacy gift card scam – both have similar landing pages so we suspect they have been orchestrated by the same scam network targeted pharmacy chains in America. Walgreens is the largest drugstore / pharmacy in the United States. We highly recommend deleting this email if received.

Figure A shows the Walgreen gift card email caught by our email filters. It is mostly text with some colour. There are 2 images up the top which are broken – clicking either of these broken images will lead you to a malicious website. Please also note the other malicious links within this email shown in Figure A.

The subject line reads “We’ve been trying to reach you” which is a tactic to get the receiver to open and be interested in the email’s contents. The sender is shown as “Walgreens Gift” but the email address is in no way associated with the official Walgreens website and is clearly spam. Do not click any links in this email, doing so will lead you to a dangerous website.

MailShark Walgreens Gift Card Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the web page you will land on if any links are clicked. It is well branded and has the sole purpose of encouraging you to click through to infect your computer with malware. This is done through the simple question displayed in the centre of the page – Do not click anywhere on this webpage and delete the email immediately. Everything on this page is fake and you will not receive a gift card by clicking through.

MailShark Weve been trying to reach you Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Keep an eye out for more malicious emails like this one as MailShark filters have already caught two of very similar nature. Delete this email and any similar from your inbox immediately to avoid a malware infection.

Steph Kent
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