Samsung S6 Testers Needed Email Scam

Samsung S6 Testers Needed Email Scam

This Samsung S6 testers needed email scam attempt claims to be sent from a website called “Product Testing”, which we strongly advise not trusting due to their lack of reputation. The email claims you can test and keep the new Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge; an Android smart phone manufactured and marketed by Samsung Electronics.

Figure A shows the Samsung S6 testers needed email scam and its contents. It is a bland and plainly designed email which we would automatically flag as spam from first view. The pushy wording, excess use of call-to-actions and strange T&C’s / disclaimers at the bottom ring major scam bells. The subject line reads “Samsung S6 testers urgently needed!” while the sender is shown as “Marie Trent”. The personalised sender’s name could be an attempt at a personalised email, but due to the email address looking like spam it should not be trusted.

There are several malicious links within the email including hyperlinks and images – MailShark strongly advises not opening the email at all and deleting it straight away to avoid the risk of a malware infection or worse.

MailShark Samsung S6 Testers Needed Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B shows the web page you will land on if any links within the email are clicked. The page features an image which is an exact match to the email’s contents. This could be a tactic to confuse you into clicking again – doing so will lead to a malware infection. Due to the extremely suspicious nature of this email, delete it and do not open it.

MailShark Samsung S6 testers urgently needed Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Email scam attempts with an incentive, such as a phone, are almost always too good to be true and should be treated as spam. MailShark recommends putting email spam / safety filters in place to avoid coming across these scam attempts in the future.

Where in the world did the bulk of this Email come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Steph Kent
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