Stock Market Forecast Email Scam

Stock Market Forecast Email Scam

MailShark spam filters have caught a stock market forecast scam email targeting people experiencing financial difficulties. It is marketed to be sent and endorsed by Fisher Investments – an independent money management firm with over 25,000 clients. This email is a scam and will result in a dangerous malware infection on your computer if clicked.

Figure A shows the email in question, which claims to offer stock market advice by simply visiting the website to download the report. The subject line reads “A Surprising Forecast by Forbes Columnist Ken Fisher’s Firm” which has been created to intrigue the receiver so they will open it. The sender is shown as “Fisher Investments” however, closer examination of the email address shows it is in no way associated with the official Fisher Investments website. The purpose of this email is to get you to click through to a malicious website.

MailShark Stock Market Forecast Email Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is the malicious website you will land on if any links are clicked within the email. It is designed to look like a legitimate article and probably has stolen content from a reputable source. All links on this page are dangerous – clicking anywhere will lead to an attack on your computer and personal information in the form of a malware infection.

MailShark A Surprising Forecast by Forbes Columnist Ken Fishers Firm Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

We strongly suggest deleting this email from your inbox if you receive it. The stock market forecast report is not real, but a scam to interest you enough to click through. Keep an eye out for similar emails praying on those with financial difficulties.

Steph Kent
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