Virgin Australia Flight Gift Card Scam

Virgin Australia Flight Gift Card Scam

Among the outbreak of gift card scams this week targeting leading Australian companies was an email scam targeted at Virgin Australia offering a flight gift card. If you receive this email do not open it and delete it from your inbox.

In Figure A you will see a copy of the email. Notice the main text reading “You were selected for $1000 in giftcards”. The whole email is designed to get you to click through to the malicious website. They have used the official Virgin logo to convince you of its legitimacy. Clicking any links in this email is extremely dangerous as this scam will attempt to infect your computer with malware. The subject line of the email reads “Please confirm your giftcard” which entices the reader to open it. Although it may look like the sender was Virgin, when looking at the sender’s email address it is in no way related to Virgin Australia; this is a clear spam indication.

MailShark Virgin Australia Flight Gift Card Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a screenshot of the landing page you are taken to if a link is clicked in this email. On this page the branding is very convincing, but answering the questions will put you at risk. Do not click any links in the email to avoid reaching this malicious page.

MailShark Virgin Australia Flight Gift Card Scam Visit Scam Site
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

Keep an eye on your inbox for gift card scams as our filters have caught a noticeable amount in the past week. If you receive this email do not open it, delete it from your inbox and most definitely do not click on any links including unsubscribe links.

Steph Kent
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