Week in Review 7 August 2015

Week in Review 7 August 2015

We are back again with our week in review for the start of August! Our scam filters noticed a lot of survey incentive email scams this week as well as a bank related scam and competition scam. It was overall an interesting mixture of tactical emails attempting to reach inboxes. Keep reading to find out what we featured on our website and for links to the full articles to learn more.

Get a Cleaning Robot for Your Opinion

MailShark Get A Cleaning Robot For Your Opinion Visit Scam SiteThe first scam email caught by our filters this week was an interesting one. It claimed to want testers for a Roomba vacuum cleaner with the subject line “iRobot for your opinion”. All links in this email lead to a malicious website – as usual, if received, delete it from your inbox!




Win Your Kmart Voucher Now Scam

MailShark Win Your Kmart Voucher Now ScamNext up was a Kmart gift voucher scam email offering $100 to spend for your opinion in a survey. It was well presented and a receiver could be easily fooled. Don’t click any links within this email and delete it immediately.




Commonwealth Bank Credit Card Statement Email Scam

MailShark Commonwealth Bank Credit Card Statement Email ScamThe Commonwealth Bank is commonly targeted with email scams and this week’s credit card statement scam was very dangerous! The links in this email lead to a dangerous and a fake version of the banks internet banking page. Clicking any links and especially attempting to log in on this page will put you at risk – delete such an email if received!



Congratulations with Your New Car Email Scam

MailShark Congratulations with Your New Car Email ScamThis “congratulations with your new car” email claims you have won a car and wants you to click through to claim it! Don’t be fooled by this one. The perpetrators are attempting to infect your computer with malware. It is well presented and may just trick you so if received, delete it immediately.




Coles Survey Reward Scam Email

MailShark Coles Survey Reward Scam EmailOur lucky last scam email caught by our filters this week claimed to be a Cole’s survey reward email. It offers a gift voucher for clicking through and completing the “survey”. Delete it if it reaches your inbox. If any links are clicked, your computer will be at risk of a malware infection.




Steph Kent
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